Sunday, December 2, 2007

On the Road...still!

Hey, everyone!

Well, not much to report...we've done some driving, but besides that I can't really think of anything of significance that's happened. Yesterday we drove from Tuscon AZ to Van Horn, TX, and today we drove from Van Horn to just outside Fort Worth, TX. We had hoped to make it to Dallas tonight but it was a bit far away and it got late.

Tomorrow we hope to leave early and make it all the way to Conway, AR, where we hope to spend a day or so with our relatives up there. It's going to be a lot of driving, but I'm sure we can do it. :)

Life in the car has been getting a bit old, but at least the last few days has given us a lot of experience on how to manage things in our van in the most efficient way. We've never traveled with this car before (we just bought it last month) and I think we all agree that the sliding door is a huge pain. You have to be careful when you open it, otherwise practically everything you own falls out onto the street. But, I think we're finally getting the hang of it. Still, I cannot wait until we get to Chicago and can live semi-normally again.

The Texas landscape hasn't been too spectacular so far; the way we're going takes us through mostly open spaces, with a few rest stops and hotel-based hick towns along the way. But, it's not completely without things to we went by some cotton fields, which was pretty interesting!

Well, it's a bit late (we went through two time zones yesterday, or something like that), so I probably should run. I'll update y'all again as soon as I can! :)

God bless!

~ Asile

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