Wow...2007 is all over...boy oh boy what a year it was! Here's a brief recap on probably the most momentous year of my life so far...I mean, how can one beat moving across the country? If you're me, anyway. :p ;)
- In February, Ruth went to EXCEL for two months and left me as the oldest child at home. Talk about an interesting way to kick the year off. ;) That thrust me into a whole new level of responsibility that I wasn't used's silly to think that, but it's true. I guess you could say I grew up a lot during the last year, hopefully for the better.
- In April, I celebrated my 17th birthday and Ruth left (again) for Arkansas, this time to help my Aunt out. Rumblings of a possible move started to come my way, but nothing definite was happening.
- In June, after much prayer and consideration, we decided to put our house up for sale. The day the realtor was to come and look at the house, my Uncle James died. It was a horribly sad and difficult time for all of us, to deal with his death along with the realization that we really were going to leave California. Another tough growth time. The Lord was very faithful to us and blessed us in so many ways during that time. Definitely a month I will never forget.
- Summer...oh, summer! Talk about an interesting time. Trying to sell a house is definitely not something to undertake on a whim. ;) Although, one of the perks was that we got to keep the air conditioning on a lot more than normal! ;)
- In early July, we all went up to Sacramento for the annual ATI conference, where I led (not assisted!) a team of children at the CI. Whoa. What.A.Week. The most brutal thing I have ever done. I nearly passed out from exhaustion when we got home after the conference; it was THAT tough. But oh, how fun it was too!
- The end of July brought about Comic-Con. Oh, Comic-Con. WHAT AN EXPERIENCE!!! Definitely kind of silly to admit this, but it was one of the highlights of the year for me. I had so much fun there! I mean, there's nothing like making a fool of yourself in front of 6,000 people plus the very people who just happened to have made your favorite movie series, including Andrew Adamson and Ben Barnes! AHHHH! I still cringe when I think about it. ;) But oh boy, was it ever amazing! Whenever I'm feeling down or unhappy I just remember those two days in July and I can't help smiling. I would love to go back some day!
- September brought about the Disneyland Annual Pass that I had coveted from afar all year. Forgive me, I have sinned. But despite the fact that I only got to use the silly thing for two and a half months, I enjoyed every second of it and do not regret getting it! I'm really hoping I'm able to make it back down to California some time this year so I can get some use out of it.
- October brought us a new house. 'Nuff said.
- November saw us leaving our house of seven years and my birth state. Probably the roughest thing I have ever done, the actual moving process aside. To add to all this additional drama and life-altering circumstances, we found out at the same time that my mom is pregnant! Talk about timing, folks...:p ;)
- December, December...New house...what can I say? IT'S COLD HERE!!!! No white Christmas for us, unfortunately. I was going to take a picture of us at Christmas and post it just so I could rub it in y'alls faces. ;) No such luck. We sure had a doozy of a white New Years, though!
It's really pretty snowed all day yesterday and today! At midnight on New Years Eve we went outside to set off sparklers (no fireworks due to the weather, unfortunately!) and I made the fatal mistake of sticking my hand into a snowbank to determine the fingers nearly froze in the ensuing celebration. When I came back inside to type out a happy New Years message on the computer, my fingers simply would not cooperate. Lesson not get your hands wet if you intend to stand outside in the freezing wind!
Today was pretty interesting weather wise...lots of snow and TONS of wind. We drove to a friends house for a New Years/Baby's First Birthday celebration, and just getting there was an adventure in itself. And when we left the house at the end of the party, I nearly FROZE, and I the walk from the house to the van was less than a minute! Brrr. That's the coldest I've ever been in my whole life. My AccuWeather says it's 7 degrees, and tomorrow we're supposed to get a heat wave..a whole whooping 19 degrees! Time to break out the suntan lotion! ;)
Well, it's getting late here, so I probably should wrap up now. My prayer for all of you in the coming year is that the Lord will continue to richly bless you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace, and reveal Himself in ways like never before. I say that a lot, but it's true.
God bless you!
~ Asile
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